Interim translations

If you search our database under accession number 34984 you will be greeted by a cascade of Swedish. This is not how we would like it to be but at the moment we are restricted by the confines of our database. Eventually it will be possible to...

0 2015.10.13
Finds General Stone Age

Duality in Dagsmosse

  Dagsmosse Mire is the spring-fed mire in which the Alvastra pile dwelling is situated. When the news reached us that the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences had granted the Alvastra pile dwelling project funding, I...

0 2015.09.28
Finds Bone/antler Interpretation Stone Age

Alvastra Project up and running

Greg Tanner registering flint artifacts The project entitled”The Alvastra pile dwelling – an archaeological resource” has been in operation for a few months now. If you are not familiar with the project and its goals, it will soon receive a...

0 2015.08.26
News Stenålder