Greg Tanner registering flint artifacts
The project entitled”The Alvastra pile dwelling – an archaeological resource” has been in operation for a few months now. If you are not familiar with the project and its goals, it will soon receive a description on the home page of the Swedish History Museum (https://historiska.se/forskning/). In the meantime we refer to the description at the following adress: https://sites.google.com/site/stoneagebogs/sites/Alvastra.
We have some 80 boxes full of excavated material to register in the database of the Swedish History museum.
As soon as the finds have been registered they are accessible on line under accession number 34984 (http://mis.historiska.se/mis/sok/start.asp).
Unfortunately the database does not allow us to register in English but some parts of the information on each find post will soon receive tags in English. We have started with the flint and the ceramics in the so-called eastern trench. It was Mats Malmer who led the excavations in this trench. We have spent a lot of time in these first four months discussing questions of nomenclature and specifying which kinds of information on each find post should be included in the database. So far the database contains some 400 finds. In the next month photographs of these finds will be available, in some way, we hope, compensating for the lack of information in a widely accessible language.
Nathalie Dimc registering pottery
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