If you search our database under accession number 34984 you will be greeted by a cascade of Swedish. This is not how we would like it to be but at the moment we are restricted by the confines of our database. Eventually it will be possible to conduct a search in English of the following parameters: Key word, type, material, part For various technical reasons it will take a while for us to import the English translations of these terms into the database. In the meantime we post here translations of terms so far used for these four parameters in the registration of the finds from the Alvastra pile dwelling. The key word is used to answer the question “What kind of object” in very broad terms. There can be several different types of the objects denoted by key words. Type is thus a narrower term. Other words for these two parameters could perhaps be type (Swedish sakord) and subtype (Swedish type). Much of the osteological assemblage has already been registered under the accession number 34984. Here the keyword is bone and the type is the species of animal the bone belonged to.
Sakord | Key word |
avslag | flake |
ben | bone |
bränd lera | fired clay |
figurin | figurine |
kniv | knife |
kärl | vessel |
kärna | core |
lera | clay |
lerklining | daub |
metkrok | fishing hook |
organiskt material | organic material |
pärla | bead |
sandsten | sandstone |
skrapa | scraper |
spets | point |
spån | blade |
stickel | burin |
yxa | axe |
Typ | Type |
aborre | perch |
andfågel | wild duck |
avslag med retusch | retouched flake |
avslag med slipad yta | flake with polished surface |
bipolär kärna | bipolar core |
björn | bear |
bofink | chaffinch |
borrspets | drill |
braxen | bream |
bäver | beaver |
dubbeleggad yxformad | double-edged axe shaped |
dubbelspånskrapa | double-edged blade scraper |
enkel spånskrapa | single-edged blade scraper |
fisk | fish |
flintspån | blade |
fyrsidig yxa | square-sectioned axe |
fyrsidig yxa med slipad egg | square-sectioned axe with polished edge |
fyrsidig yxa med slipad yta | square-sectioned axe with polished surface |
fågel | bird |
får | sheep |
get | goat |
gnagare | rodent |
groddjur | frog |
gropkeramik | pitted ware |
grävling | badger |
gädda | pike |
hare | hare |
hjortdjur | deer |
hornkvick | horn core |
hund | dog |
höna | hen |
idisslare | ruminant |
iller | ferret |
karp | carp |
kort spånfragment | short blade fragment |
kort spånfragment med retusch | short blade fragment with retouch |
kort spånfragment med slipad yta | short blade fragment with polished surface |
kricka | teal |
kronhjort | red deer |
kärna med en plattform och slipad yta | platform core with polished surface |
kärnfragment | core fragment |
lax | salmon |
litet rovdjur | small predator |
mal | wels catfish |
mittstickel | centre burin |
mittstickel med slipad yta | centre burin with polished surface |
mård | pine marten |
mårddjur | marten |
mås | gull |
människa | human |
näbbmus | shrew |
nötkreatur | cattle |
obestämt | undetermined |
pålbyggnadskeramik | pile dwelling ware |
rundskrapa | discoid scraper |
rundskrapa med slipad yta | discoid scraper with polished surface |
ryggspånfragment | backed blade, fragment |
rådjur | roe deer |
råtta | rat |
sidskrapa | side scraper |
sik | whitefish |
sill | herring |
skedformig skrapa | spoon-shaped scraper |
skogsduva | wood pigeon |
skogsmus | mouse |
sork | vole |
spånfragment | blade fragment |
spånfragment med slipad yta | blade fragment with polished surface |
spånkniv | blade knife |
spånskrapa | blade scraper |
stor skogsmus | yellow-necked mouse |
stör | sturgeon |
sutare | tench |
svin | pig |
sädesärla | wagtail |
tjäder | capercaillie |
trana | crane |
trattbägarkeramik | funnel beaker ware |
tväreggad spets | transverse point |
typ a spånpilspets med tånge | tanged blade arrowhead, type A |
tätting | passerine |
vanlig näbbmus | common shrew |
varg | wolf |
vildkatt | wild cat |
älg | elk |
ändskrapa | end scraper |
ändskrapa med slipad yta | end scraper with polished surface |
övrig plattformskärna med en plattform | other platform core w one platform |
övrig plattformskärna med två plattformer | Other platform core with two platforms |
Del | Part |
Botten | bottom |
buk | belly |
distalfragment | distal fragment |
egg | edge |
hälft | half |
mc distal | metacarpal distal |
medialfragment | medial fragment |
metacarpal dist | metacarpal distal |
mynning | rim |
obestämd | undetermined |
obestämt | undetermined |
plattformsavslag | platform flake |
proximalfragment | proximal fragment |
sidofragment | side fragment |
skuldra | shoulder |
Material | Material |
ben bränt | Bone, burnt |
ben bränt, ben obränt | bone burnt, bone unburnt |
ben obränt | bone unburnt |
ben/horn | bone/antler |
bränd lera | fired clay |
bränd lera/keramik | fired clay/pottery |
flinta | flint |
flinta, bränd | flint, burnt |
keramik | pottery |
lera | clay |
lerklining | daub |
organiskt material | organic material |
sandsten | sandstone |
tand | tooth |

Registration of one artifact in the database with the translated terms highlighted.
The other parameters registered are as follows:
Föremålsidentitet | Object identity | |
Inventarienummer | Accession number | 34984 |
Undernummer | Sub-number | |
Fyndnummer | Find number | |
Land | Country | |
Landskap | Province | Östergötland |
Socken | Parish | Västra Tollstad |
Lokal | Site name | Alvastra pile dwelling |
Fornlämning (RAÄ) | Ancient monument number | Västra Tollstad 22:1 |
Föremålskategori | Object category | |
Sakord | Key word | |
Typ | Type | |
Del | Part | |
Material | Material | |
Beskrivning | Description | |
Antal | Number | |
Antal fragment | Number of fragments | |
Vikt (g) | Weight in grams | |
Relativ datering | Relative dating | Middle Neolithic |
Some of these parameters are the same for all the objects registered. These are translated in the third column of the table.
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